28 Week Bumpdate

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Week 23 Bumpdate
Week 24 Bumpdate
Week 25 Bumpdate
Week 26 Bumpdate
Week 27 Bumpdate
Size of the baby: Cucumber – 14.8 inches long and weighs 2.25 pounds.
Biggest baby development: Baby may be dreaming now as he is experiencing REM sleep.
Total weight gain: 19 pounds. Yikes!
Gender: Boy!!
Maternity clothes: I bought a maternity bathing suit top at Target. I can't wait to wear it!
Movement: Yes! I'm starting to feel him rolling around rather than kicks here and there. You can actually follow him with your hand as he moves. He like to hangout on either side of my belly, which makes me look lop-sided.
Sleep: Laying on my side is still pretty painful on my back and hips. I can't wait to sleep on my back again.
Nursery: His nursery is full of gifts from both of our baby showers. Now, I need to find time to organize everything!
Cravings: Strawberries. Ice cream, Nectarines. Bread.
Symptoms: The heartburn finally subsided this week. Hooray! My feet continue to swell rather quickly, so I make sure to get up from my desk and walk around.
Khanh is: Kissing my belly every morning and night.
Looking forward to: CANCUN!! In fact, we are enjoying our last vacation as a family of 2 as you are reading this bumpdate. I am probably laying on the beach with a book in my hand.
Best moments: Celebrating our little guy with my family last weekend. He's already so loved...and spoiled!
Note: I post these updates at the end of the week, so I am currently in my 29th week.

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