
What's Up Wednesday {August 2016}

How is it the last Wednesday of August already?  This summer has definitely been packed full of family and friends and memories I will cherish forever. My little family has some fun things planned for the next month, so let's dive right in and give you a sneak peek into what lies ahead. Thanks to Mel, Shay and Sheaffer for hosting this fun link up!

Every month, we answer these same questions...

Along with the questions above, the hosts provide a bonus question each month. This month's bonus question is, What is your favorite summer to fall transitional piece in your closet?

1. What we're eating this week...
Left over Teriyaki Pork Tenderloin from Sunday's dinner, salads for lunches, egg salad sandwiches, and anything with rotisserie chicken. Exciting stuff!

2. What I'm reminiscing about...
This sweet, sweet baby of mine. On September 13th, you may find me in the corner bawling my mama eyes out as our baby turns 1. As exhausting as the newborn days were, I miss those endless snuggles. And the fact that babies can't move, because we now find ourselves with a man on a mission every waking second. Though I'll forever miss being able to hold Micah in my forearm, I'm so looking forward to shaping him into a man of God for many years to come.

3. What I'm loving...
I've been planning Micah's 1st birthday party since July and am loving getting my creative juices flowing. I'm DIY'ing a lot of the decorations and can't wait to see everything come together in a few weeks. I plan on posting step by step instructions for some of the decorations, so be sure to check back in the coming weeks.

4. What we've been up to...
Camping with family, bike riding and long walks with new friends. We are gearing up for a lot of travel in September, so the slow pace of August was welcomed with open arms.

You better watch out because there's a new driver in our household!

The helmet looks enormous on his little noggin. He actually has a really big head, which makes my previous statement hilarious.

Headed out for a quick swim in the pool with my cousins.

5. What I'm dreading...
We will be flying to Minnesota on Friday to visit friends and I'm so anxious about flying with a (almost) 1 year old. I have things that will hopefully entertain him for the 2 hour flight, but I'm just so nervous that his ears will pop and then we will have a screaming baby the entire time. I'm giving it up to the Lord, and I know everything will be okay. Leave me any tips and tricks for flying with toddlers in the comments!

6. What I'm working on...
So, I have a confession for you all. I caved an bought an Adult Coloring Book. And, you know what? I find myself coloring, while listening to a TV show, almost every night before bed and it's so relaxing.

7. What I'm excited about...
Visiting our friends in Minnesota! Here's the lowdown on how we met Khang and Johanna. Both husbands worked on the same client in Ohio and quickly bonded because they were both born and raised in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The following year, all 4 of us happened to be visiting Vietnam at the same time so we all met up so the girls could speak English. HA! Our son was born in September and their son was born in November, so Johanna and I have bonded over that. This will be the second time seeing one another in person and I'm excited to get to know them and finally meet their son!

8. What I'm watching...
Aside from the obvious Bachelor in Paradise, Real Housewives of (Anywhere), and Big Brother, I just started watching The Good Wife on Hulu last week after reading Shay's review and am hooked! Each episode leaves me wanting more and more.

9. What I'm listening to...
A Worship music CD from the Praise & Worship team at church. Playing music motivates me to get things done around the, I should really play more music. Maybe my house would stay clean.
10. What I'm wearing...
A dress from Old Navy I snagged for $2 and a jean jacket!

11. What I'm doing this weekend...
Minnesota! Woot woot!

12. What I'm looking forward to next month...
Celebrating Micah turning ONE with friends and family!

13. What else is new...

I just got these booties for fall at DSW for 60% off!

14. What is your favorite summer to fall transitional piece in your closet...
I find myself wearing a jean jacket more often this time of year. It's 60 degrees when I leave for work in the morning but 80+ degrees after work, so the jacket provides just enough warmth and is fashionable. Win, win!

That's a sneak peek at what our past month has been filled with and what some of our plans are for September.

What was one thing you did in August to close out summer?

1 comment:

  1. Flying with Micah for a 2 hour long flight would give you a glimpse of your much LONGER flight to Vietnam :D One tip for earache is giving him something to suck on during take off and landing time. The sucking motions helps pop the ears which then release pressure. Other than that bring lots of his favorite things to keep in entertained. Good luck! <3
